Mushroom Momma, Why Mushrooms?

Mushroom Momma, Why Mushrooms?

Mushrooms are the new black. Mushrooms are one of the most underrated species on our planet, but are quickly gaining popularity and superfood status. When most people hear about mushrooms, they think of the button kind to cook with, or the magical kind. There is a whole world of mushrooms used for medicinal properties. Mushrooms can promote your own health, by strengthening your immune system to prevent debilitating diseases. They have long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, in fact Reishi mushroom is listed as one of the most effective Chinese herbs, and in fact, has even been officially listed as cancer treatment by the Japanese government. This is just one example of how powerful mushrooms can be. Contrary to popular belief, they are not a plant, but are in their own kingdom, fungus. Did you know we share more DNA with mushrooms than we do with plants? We share 30%-50% of their DNA! This is because we are part of the same “super Kingdom”, and is the reason we can use medicine from fungi better than from other things. There are over 1.5 million varieties, 6 times more varieties than plants. It is even said that mushrooms are one of the first organisms to move from sea to land. These strange, living, fungi grow all around, in the ground, to the trees, even on insects. In fact they have a web that spreads across our globe, connecting all living things, called the mycelium. I am on a conquest, just like the mushrooms, to connect. To heal, and to grow, from every situation or path. Come explore what being a mushroom momma means to me!

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