Amanda FreitasComment

5 Things I'm Doing Right Now to Boost My Immune System

Amanda FreitasComment
5 Things I'm Doing Right Now to Boost My Immune System

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During this time anxieties may be running high. It is more important now than ever to take precautionary measures with our health, and make sure the immune system is working as best of our abilities. We have to give the immune system the basic building blocks it needs to function it’s best. Here are five quick and simple ways I have been naturally boosting my immune system and building my defense!

  1. Get good sleep!

    Your body is unable to fight off infection when it doesn’t get enough sleep. To ensure good sleep, use a magnesium spray before bed!

  2. Boost your gut health.

    Studies show that gut health is essential to fight off disease. Eat fermented foods daily- this can be a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar, yogurt, sauerkraut, or kombucha. You can even make Fire Cider! If you’re unable to eat fermented foods, try this probiotic supplement to boost your gut health.

  3. Eat your greens!

    Whether it’s a daily green juice, or my favorite Vitamineral Greens, make sure you’re intaking your greens to keep your body healthy so it can get to work defending off infection!

  4. Mushroom Power

    Medicinal Mushrooms are excellent for fighting a virus and keeping the body healthy. Mushrooms strengthen and restore the competency of the immune system and help it fight debilitating disease. My preferred mushrooms for immunity is the Turkey Tail mushroom and Chaga. Turkey Tail is highly studied for its use for immune support for those undergoing chemotherapy. Chaga is known to have the highest amounts of antioxidants than anything else in the world, and contains some of the most antiviral compounds.

    My favorite mushroom supplements are from Wild Foods Co, click here to get 12% off your order!

  5. Lower Stress

    Breathe. Take a walk. Stress can lead to a host of immune deregulations, so reducing stress during this time is important, although can be a challenge. I add adaptogens to my daily regimen, since adaptogens block stress pathways to the brain and regulate signals to the nervous system. Ashwagandha and Holy Basil are my go-to adaptogens.

