Celebrate Summer Solstice

Celebrate Summer Solstice

Summer has come! We are officially halfway through the year. June 21st marks the longest day of the year, also known as Summer Solstice. It’s when the northern hemisphere of the Earth is closest to the sun, giving us the first official day of summer, and the most daylight of the year. Summer Solstice tends to occur between June 20th and June 22nd. This change in the seasons also brings a shift in both Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. 

In Traditional Chinese medicine, the summer season is known as the Yang phase. Yang is the exuberant, expanding, and active stage, as opposed to yin which is the withdrawing, storing, and nutritive stage. Yang brings in longer, lighter, and warmer months. Summer is also a time for heat and fire. Fire is the energy for growth to fullness, full expansion, and warm, loving compassion. Fire represents the element of summer, and is associated with the heart. Heart-opening elements such as rose and red and pink colors are essential during this time. When fire is ignited and in harmony, life is joyous, loving, supported by courage, wisdom, and strength. 

In Ayurveda, we enter the season of Pitta. Pitta is both fire and water elements, and again, brings in the heat. We all get a little more fire internally during this time. It is a time we are most active and setting forth in our goals. We are more focused. Too much heat, however, can cause irritability, competitiveness, envy, and easily angered. On our bodies, it can also cause more oil on the skin, heartburn, and excess acid so it is important to keep cool, internally and outwardly. Eating cooling herbs and spices such as mint, cilantro, lime, and cucumber is important during Pitta season (and for pitta doshas). Eating fresh fruits and salads and choosing foods that are naturally sweet, bitter, and astringent helps balance too much pitta. When there is too much pitta, it is ideal to stay away from foods that are sour, spicy, salty, and warming foods. Too much red meat, alcohol, vinegar, and oily foods can also offset pitta balance (sorry delicious fried fair food!)


Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or midsummer, is a time to create new rituals, and allow your body to move through the changing seasons. This energy is great for manifesting, expressing gratitude, and making changes in your life for the next few months. Now is the best time to create new morning rituals to enhance your living. It is a time to find ways to keep cool during the heat, and balance our bodies to maintain health, live with joy, and have vibrant energy.

Here are some easy practices to lead you through the weekend of Summer Solstice, along with the summer months ahead of Yang and Pitta energies.

Create a morning ritual

This can be anywhere from 10 minutes to one hour. A morning ritual helps get the day started,  especially when our lives are hectic or busy. Set your alarm a little early and begin incorporating some of these into your morning routine:



Make tea or coffee with herbs

Sip on lemon water


Go outside barefoot for grounding and earthing

Burn incense

Write out affirmations and intentions for the day or week

Play music or listen to your favorite podcast

Light a candle

Dry brushing and massaging

Diffuse your favorite essential oil

Splash your eyes with cool water (they always have heat, especially from exposure to artificial light and screens)

Incorporate rose scents and flowers to activate and open the heart. 

‘When life gets busy, self care is the first thing we sacrifice! It doesn't need to be complex or take a lot of time. We have to reduce the gap between self depletion and self care!’ remember- it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Give yourself time!

Celebrate the sun

Greet the sun! Watch the sun rise, it will jumpstart your energy.

Wear colors associated with Litha. Reds, oranges, yellows, and whites.

Set out stones associated with the colors of Litha. Citrine, Clear quartz, jade, tigers eye, and peridot. 

Enjoy a summer salad or fresh fruit, while sitting outside.

Light candles at night or start a bon fire. 

Open up the windows in your home and air it out and cleanse.

Indulge in self care- make a face mask or get a massage.

Garden and water your plants.

Make a flower crown. 

Sit in the sun and soak it up!

Make Sun Water or Sun Tea

Sun Tea or Sun water is a great way to utilize the sun’s energy. 

Here is a simple sun tea recipe: 

1 part mint

1 part chamomile

1/2 part rose

Place your herbs in a jar and steep in the sun. Add sweetener if desired and strain when you are ready to enjoy! Garnish with lemon.

Summer reminds us to slow down and enjoy the sunshine and what Mother Earth provides. How will you be celebrating Summer Solstice, and the coming summer months ahead?


Further reading:

The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs by Ron Teegarden

Photos by Erin Northcutt @erinorthcutt