Vegan Chocolate Mushroom Pudding

Vegan Chocolate Mushroom Pudding

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Do you just NEED a nightcap to end the night? Something about ending the night with a sweet and warm treat helps to calm and relax my soul, and get ready to turn in for the night. I also have a tendency for emergency chocolate cravings, so I am always pleased to have a few go-to recipes for single serve desserts.

This is perfect for when those cravings hit, and it only takes about 5 minutes to make! It also has the added health benefit of Reishi mushroom from Four Sigmatic and is sugar free, which means you don’t feel guilty while enjoying it! It’s a win all around in my book!


Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is the Queen of Mushrooms and one of my favorites. It has been long used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and today it is a known adaptogen which means it helps reduce stress. It can also help support sleep quality, and even has antihistamine properties to calm asthma and allergen responses. Like most must medicinal mushrooms, it is antibacterial and anti microbial and can also support liver function. It promotes healthy immune response against viral, bacterial, and fungal infections and suppresses excessive or chronic inflammation that threatens long-term health. Some studies have even suggested Reishi may restore youthful immunity and add 7-16 years to the human lifespan! It is a very grounding mushroom and can bring calm, so my favorite time to consume this medicinal mushroom is at night. Another side effect I have personally found when consuming Reishi, is more vivid and memorable dreams.

Reishi Chocolate Pudding


1 C Almond Milk (or milk of choice)

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/4 C maple syrup

1 packet of Four Sigmatic Reishi Cacao

1 Tablespoon corn starch

1/4 C dark chocolate chips

Put salt, milk, maple syrup, and Reishi cacao packet in a sauce pan. Leave a little milk out and mix it with the corn starch. Add corn starch mix to the sauce pan and heat low-medium until bubbling. Stir in the chocolate chips, stir until melted. Pour into a bowl and placein the fridge and serve cooled, or serve warm (my preference!)

Top with toppings such as strawberries, blueberries, coconut, or cacao nibs.


Click here to order Four Sigmatic Reishi Cacao!

reishi pinterest.jpg

Order your Mushroom Cacao from Four Sigmatic Here!

Further reading on Reishi